Moments with Dr Steve – Number Thirty-four
Through Gates of Fire – Number Six
God and Still Small Voice
Tommy finds himself, face down on a cold, marble floor in the dead of winter.
Tommy finds himself pleading for his life with a God that till this very moment – he despised and blamed for all of the shortfalls and mishaps of his days.
Tommy finds himself clutching – not to rainbows – but rather to his own falling teardrops – for some inkling of hope that his life can indeed be reformed, and then reinvented.
Through Gates of Fire – the story – begins with tragedy…
A young child is born to a barren couple who are nearing the autumn of their years
The young child is the gifted one – and has the nimbus of messianic powers baked into his very soul
The young child is orphaned on the third sunrise of his life – and left as discarded chattel – but for God
A couple who live above the orphaned child – in a worn-down and economically anemic tenement on the forgotten side of a Chicago suburb receive the knock on their heart’s door by heaven’s unseen messengers
The man – a wasted and brittle and caustic, hollowed out drunken swill of a once vibrant human gets the tap first
The tap of God – when it arrives – oh my goodness
Tommy and his journey from wasted shill to purposeful father…
The man gets up from his bed and heads over to the local parish
It’s the dead of night and the dead of winter
He enters into the tiny chapel of hope and feels immediately – uncomfortable
He hates church and priests and parishes and holy things
He tiptoes up to the altar and finds himself hammered by the spirit of the living God
His conversion takes shape and form – in the press of God – that quite literally presses his worn-out and wrinkled face into the cold marble tiles
And holds him captive there – till he says, ‘I Surrender’!
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