Moments with Dr Steve – Number Fifty-four

Through Gates of Fire – Number Nine

Divine Arithmetic

As ‘Through Gates of Fire – Vol One – Wingless Flight’ – takes shape, the caretaker character – Tommy – the adoptive father of the messianic child – the one who inherits and bears the ‘Stream of Mercy’ – Flash Bastion – Tommy is confronted with the enormity of his personal sins.

Personal Sins and their Moral Atomic Weight

I love overly religious people.

I love their smugness and then their inborn and innate – religious arrogance.

Their equal are the morally righteous agnostics and atheistic counterparts who think their societal perch provides them eternal cover.

Smugness and Moral Hubris

Tommy had lived a life opposite of the culturally swagged-ones.

His life as a drunk left him ever exposed to both proper criticisms and then the social outcast that only drunkards and criminals properly comprehend – comprehend and the experience.

Tommy found himself wallowing in his own moral ugliness….

  • He realized that no one would ever forgive him his past indiscretions

  • He began recognizing the impact his drunken and twisted life-long behavior had upon himself and his community

  • He understood that raising a child in a proper  way – given his past – was unthinkable – and then the most unlikely of choices for this gifted child

  • He prayed God would ‘un-chose’ and deselect him from his appointed and seemingly insurmountable task – the task of caring for and properly providing safe passage for this child-messiah and ‘Moral Trust Fund Recipient’

Tommy felt outmatched.

God’s Divine Arithmetic

God spoke to this spiraling – recovering human…

  • Practice The Daily Code

  • In doing so – you ignite ‘Divine Arithmetic’

  • ‘Divine Arithmetic’ means that as you live into ‘The Daily Code’ – God fixes and repairs past transgressions

  • How?

  • By accepting the good you do for others as recompense and absolution for what sins you have committed in the past

  • God – goes behind you – and erases both the memory and then the jarring impact of your past sins

  • Living into and exhibiting ‘The Daily Code’ brings about closure

  • Living into and exhibiting ‘The Daily Code’ reframes your social + economic + spiritual + cultural standing

Divine Arithmetic is a very real thing.

Cease your ‘old ways’.

Jesus said once…

                              “…go…and sin no more.”

The Daily Code is an operational guide for exactly how to do so.

We are building a ‘GCC’ – a ‘Global Cultural Conversation’.

Head over to:

Confess a sin or two – and get a copy of “Through Gates of Fire – Vol One – Wingless Flight’.

Discover ‘The Daily Code’ and begin to enact and weave ‘Divine Arithmetic’ into your daily habits and personal practices.

Travel Far