Moments with Dr Steve – Number Fifty-four
Through Gates of Fire – Number Nine
Divine Arithmetic
As ‘Through Gates of Fire – Vol One – Wingless Flight’ – takes shape, the caretaker character – Tommy – the adoptive father of the messianic child – the one who inherits and bears the ‘Stream of Mercy’ – Flash Bastion – Tommy is confronted with the enormity of his personal sins.
Personal Sins and their Moral Atomic Weight
I love overly religious people.
I love their smugness and then their inborn and innate – religious arrogance.
Their equal are the morally righteous agnostics and atheistic counterparts who think their societal perch provides them eternal cover.
Smugness and Moral Hubris
Tommy had lived a life opposite of the culturally swagged-ones.
His life as a drunk left him ever exposed to both proper criticisms and then the social outcast that only drunkards and criminals properly comprehend – comprehend and the experience.
Tommy found himself wallowing in his own moral ugliness….
He realized that no one would ever forgive him his past indiscretions
He began recognizing the impact his drunken and twisted life-long behavior had upon himself and his community
He understood that raising a child in a proper way – given his past – was unthinkable – and then the most unlikely of choices for this gifted child
He prayed God would ‘un-chose’ and deselect him from his appointed and seemingly insurmountable task – the task of caring for and properly providing safe passage for this child-messiah and ‘Moral Trust Fund Recipient’
Tommy felt outmatched.
God’s Divine Arithmetic
God spoke to this spiraling – recovering human…
Practice The Daily Code
In doing so – you ignite ‘Divine Arithmetic’
‘Divine Arithmetic’ means that as you live into ‘The Daily Code’ – God fixes and repairs past transgressions
By accepting the good you do for others as recompense and absolution for what sins you have committed in the past
God – goes behind you – and erases both the memory and then the jarring impact of your past sins
Living into and exhibiting ‘The Daily Code’ brings about closure
Living into and exhibiting ‘The Daily Code’ reframes your social + economic + spiritual + cultural standing
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