AkelDeema the Saga – the Triumphal Ascent of my Life
Literature and storytelling
Imagine you wanting to create stories
Imagine you have no idea how to do this – I mean really…
You are a cast-off and forgotten preacher of all things
You are roadkill and pond-scum
The religious people cast you away like one might toss a paper-foil gum wrapper out a speeding train window
The non-religious people think you stupid – I mean how hard is it to keep religious people happy – turns out it’s way harder than you might think
You are alone and submerged in the milky quicksand of your own mired failures
You write – this is all you have left/remaining
You have no other options, and your former audience thinks you the fool
You begin doodling and free flowing
You return to your journal – of many years before this hour
You see these threads of this character – his name Flash Bastion
You have no storyline – just this thread of a character who mysteriously appeared to you some 15 + years prior
You begin to dream and imagine and travel far
God starts to drop hints of a story and the fabric of a tale into your psyche
You begin to construct…
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