Pouring Reign

I stood in pouring rain.

I heard splashes and saw tiny puddles popping around me.

I stepped upon a popping puddle and…


Down I went into its vortex.

I saw myself there – in an altered universe.

In this place – I was no king and there were no rulers.

In this place – all were equal.

In this place – people mattered most.

In this place – rich and poor were treated the same.

In this place – human achievement was celebrated.

In this place – governments studied war no more.

In this place – borders and skirmishes and scuffles found reasonable settlements.

In this place – all lived in harmony.

               “…you may say, I’m a Dreamer – but I’m not the only one.”

For our children’s sake – let peace resound.

Micah 4: 3

“And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off — and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks — nation shall not lift up sword against nation — neither shall they study war no more.”

We are building a ‘GCC’ – a ‘Global Cultural Conversation’.

Perhaps peace and prosperity and living in harmony become our primary topics of choice.

Travel Far