Moments with Dr. Steve — Number Forty-one | Muted and Mutilated Conversation Moments with Dr. Steve -- Number Forty-one | Muted and Mutilated Conversation Moments with Dr. Steve -- Number Forty-one | Muted and Mutilated Conversation Moments with Dr. Steve -- Number Thirty-nine | Post Healing Encounter
Overlooked and Squashed I serve the ones that no one else notices. I serve the ones that churches force out the back and side doors. I Moments with Dr. Steve #Eleven- Light Overpowers Darkness
The Way Out: Life Lived on Purpose Such a simple premise: your pain contains your genius. Such a simple plan: 120 days of initial hard work. Such a simple arrangement:
The Learn2Earn System Earning requires learning You do not stumble into excellence Managed and systematic approach Remove questions and self-doubt via pre-planned and prescribed Moments with Dr Steve #10 | Prof Tribute -- A Man in Full Moments With Dr. Steve #9 | You as Mahatma Moments with Dr. Steve Number Seven
AkelDeema the Saga The scenes are all so visceral, and engaging. There is this underlying tension that erodes confidence, and then solders the mind and soul to the storyline. Then,