Moments with Dr Steve
AkelDeema the Saga — Number Three
Strange Bedfellows
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
Baptists and bootleggers join forces
The historicity of AkelDeema is steeped in strange bedfellows.
The legendary backstory…
Judas Iscariot receives ‘thirty pieces of silver’ for betraying the holy one – Jesus Christ
The Sanhedrin and ‘Jewish Leaders’ put forth ‘thirty pieces of silver’ as this dirty payola
Judas Iscariot greedily clutches his newfound wealth to his bosom
Judas Iscariot begins to have second thoughts…
Maybe just maybe, he made a bad judgment
(Stop acting some self-righteous and pious – as if – you and I have not done similar things in our lives)
The guilt and personal affront causes Judas to off himself
Jesus Christ is betrayed, tried, found guilty, marched down the Via de la Rosa and infamy
Jesus Christ is nailed to a cross and bleeds and dies for the sins of commoners like you and me
Jesus Christ dies a cold, cruel and heartless death
Jesus Christ goes to hell presumably to speak life to, and free the captives
(I always wondered if he had a conversation or two with the devil and his cohorts)
Jesus Christ is buried in a tomb and lays in-state for just about 3 days
Jesus Christ is raised form the dead
Jesus Christ ascends to heaven in a cloud of glory
Fast forward 40 days or so…
The Sanhedrin and ‘Jewish Leaders’ come to the apostles – only 11 of these now – their numbers will continue to dwindle as the days march along
The Sanhedrin and ‘Jewish Leaders’ somehow get the ‘thirty pieces of silver’ back into their mitts
This is blood money
This is tainted funds
This is tarnished and even condemned ‘ill-gotten gains’
What’s betrayer to do?
The Sanhedrin and ‘Jewish Leaders’ call for a meeting with the 11 remaining apostles
They offer the money – the blood money back to the apostles
That’s the legendary scuttlebutt – they offer the money back
The 11 apostles say, ‘not on our watch’!
Both groups are smart enough to know they cannot keep, let alone claim ownership of such dirty money
The two groups come together and make a choice – use the funds to purchase
Akeldama – the place of death and sorrows
Akeldama – Psalm 109: 8 ‘the place where none dwell’
This becomes ‘The Potter’s Field’
Judas Iscariot and then, an uncountable number of other indigents and reprobates find final rest in this field
AkelDeema is borne!
I changed a few letters – and imagined a story about a place in America, ‘where none dwell’
I named it – AkelDeema – the land of death and sorrows
Take this journey with me…
I warn you, this is not a safe passage
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