Days in Full
The volume and intensity and duration of evil that struck me – and then endured, is almost unfathomable.
When I think of surviving such ionic blasts, I am reminded of tortoises that live inside of their shell-homes.
The tortoise learns to weather storms and even titanic-sized, oceanic currents by simply pulling inside of their house-on-back and surviving.
This is what I have done.
From time-to-time, and moment-to-moment, I pulled my head out and saw if there was any sun shining.
This is how I lived during this epoch of great turmoil and tumult.
Now, I am more like the old surfer guys I watch at the beach each morning.
I show up, cup-a-coffee in hand, stare at the waves and gauge the strength and value of the morning’s surf.
I determine if going into the water is of value to me.
Keep enduring.
Keep gliding on the currents that currently ferry you along.
One day, I promise, one day – the torrents cease.
Travel Far
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