Critical Mass

AkelDeema the Saga – Notes and Study Patterns

I’m working here.

I am plowing through the entire intellectual “Critical Mass.”

This thing has an atomic weight measurement.

Deep and long and wide – filled with moving electrons and protons.

It has sinew and reflects an extended period of long-max-effort.

Characters sidle in and out – each have their own proving ground of sorts.

Plot-line thickens and then fray the ends of emotional bandwidths.

RTG – Rocks that Glow.

Perhaps the true and lasting genius of my entire, creative and then, professional life.

The idea – the notion – the premise that the supernatural exists is one thing to ponder.

To press into the idea that ‘The Supernatural’ has a causative impact on human reason – now there is a universe of thought unto itself.


This is ‘A Category of One’.

This is groundbreaking work.

Join the journey.

Purchase a copy of AkelDeema the Saga – here.

I warn you,

This is not a safe passage.

Travel Far